
毎日更新の絵日記&漫画&雑記ブログ、ネコヤマンガです。I post everyday!

もろもろノートmoro moro note, various things


Ms. Eiko Tabusa and Ms. Mokotounashi Kitahara.

A book called "Ainu Moyamoya"

People of Hokkaido should read it.


Chita Tap →

Japanese people can't even think  some people eat dogs, but the Japanese eat a lot of pigs. Vegetarian menu.

There is almost no vegan menu at all, in Japan.

"Can you change the roast pork to nori?" If you go to a ramen restaurant, you'll get a bad treatment. (Japanese people forget Zen Buddhism, like Shōjin Ryōri)

I thought that Ryuchell  would slash into various LGBTQ problems in Japan. We needed more attention. https://unseen-japan.com/ryuchell-life-death-legacy/

In 2018, I traveled alone to Seattle. I was happy that feminist books were piled up in the bookstore of Washington State University. There was also picture books for children like "How to be a Female Boss". The bookstore in Portland was the same. I was disappointed when I came back to Japan. ( Books related to feminism are only small in inconspicuous places.) " Women, shut up."

In the summer, women in the Edo period showed their tops. Even in front of men. Westerners stopped it in the Meiji period. Take a look at Korean's "topless jeogori old" as well.

I traveled to Kanazawa and Nagoya.

Castles, samurai, and temples are all important tourism resources. It's all related to male chauvinism after all. If you take care of your history, women need to be quiet, and men are becoming more reckless and violent. It's like the Trump people in America.

In the long history of humans, the female top-hiding culture has been only for Christians and Muslims all over the world.If bra shops around the world go out of business, I believe that alone will protect the environment. It's too hot to wear a bra, on a day at a hot 38°C day. Try it.

Israel kills Palestinian children. SABON continues to sell luxury soaps to “fashionable” Japanese girls today. Zionist Starbucks is also a great success today as well in Japan.






チタタプ →

アイヌもやもや: 見えない化されている「わたしたち」と、そこにふれてはいけない気がしてしまう「わたしたち」の。





永平寺の精進料理 七六〇年受け継がれた健康の智慧を家庭でいただく










