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Poppy, spoon, key, watermelon, olive.

毎日、このアカウントで情報を得ている。I get information from this account every day.


日本の女性は、髪も身体も隠さない、酒は飲むし、ハムは食べるしで、移民のイスラム教徒と日常生活でぶつかるフランスみたいな社会が、すぐそこまで来てると思う。Japanese women don't hide their hair or body, they drink alcohol and eat ham. I guess a society like France, which collides with immigrant Muslims in their daily lives, is just around the corner.

1999年に全国で15カ所だった礼拝所「モスク」も、2021年3月に113カ所に増えたという。The number of Mosque, which was 15 nationwide in 1999, also increased to 113 in March 2021.


例えば、フランスでは、公共のプールとか学校給食とかで軋轢がある。日本人は、フランス社会から学ぶものがあると思う。For example, there are conflicts in public pools and school lunches,etc. in France. I think Japanese people have something to learn from French society.


私は、世界中の人間が正しくイスラム教を理解し、特に女性が助け合い、女性の権力向上について語り合う場を各街レベルで設けるべきだと思う。I think that people around the world should correctly understand Islam, especially women should help each other, and set up a place at each city  to talk about women's empowerment.


「そもそも、女の髪はセクシーなのか?男の髪はセクシーじゃないのか?」とか、「ブラはなぜ必要なのか?なぜそう思うのか?」とか、女性が腹を割って語り合えないと、物事の根本的問題が、解決に向けて前進しないように思う。For example, Is a woman's hair sexy in the first place? Isn't a man's hair sexy? Or, why do you need a bra? Why do you think so? Like these, if women can't talk to each other, I don't think the fundamental problems of things will move forward towards solving them.


そういう話はちょっと恥ずかしく感じる人が多いと思うので、そんな話も話せてしまう、勇気とユーモアのある、知的で創造的な女性が世界の各町に増えたら、世界は平和に向かうと私は思う。Personally, I think that if creative women with courage, humor and intelligence increase in each town in the world, the world will move towards peace. because thereare many people who feel a little embarrassed about to talk about such things. 


何故なら、世界の女性の多くは、そんなこと考えたことも語り合ったこともなく、ただ親や教師、友人に言われたことに従ってきているだけだからだ。日本人の多くが、政治や宗教のことを友人と語り合ったこともじっくり考えたこともなく、その社会的慣習に従って毎日を過ごしているだけなのと同じだ。Because many women in the world have never thought or talked about such a thing, but have just followed what their parents, teachers, and friends have told them. It's the same as many Japanese people don't think about politics or religion, never talk to friends, and just follow their social customs.



Rich-cold-insipid old men should not mass murder "disturbing pagan" women and children in the name of war. A society that determines silence for that crime should not be formed.I believe so.