
毎日更新の絵日記&漫画&雑記ブログ、ネコヤマンガです。I post everyday!

The reason why I’m drawing portrait of black women私が黒人女性の似顔絵を描く理由


2月はblack history month(黒人歴史月間)だそうです。全然知らなかった!アフリカ系の皆さんに、「え?知らなかった?なぜ黒人女性の似顔絵を描いているの?」と訊かれたので、ここに理由を二カ国語で書いておこうと思います。

It is said that February is black history month. I didn't know at all! To everyone of African descent, "Huh? Didn't you know? Why are you drawing portrait of black women?" I was asked, so I'm going to write the reason here in two languages.

black history month










At first, I just wanted to be someone who could draw portraits. So, to practice, I decided to draw someone once a week.

If I was going to draw anyway, I thought I'd draw someone famous.

And I thought women would be better anyway. There are many famous men, so I thought about the priorities.

If anything, I decided to draw great women of color. I knew a little about the great white women, but I knew very little about the great women of color.

Therefore, I research them and their famous quotes, translate them into Japanese, and introduce them on my blog every Saturday.

Thanks to this, I can now say the names of many great women of color.



学習漫画 世界の伝記|集英社の児童図書 エスキッズランド
At the same time, I also wanted to know the famous quotes of great women. There are many, many biopics, biographies, books, and collections of quotes by great men, but there are very few by women, especially women of color.

Marie Curie, Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Clara Schumann, Anne Frank, Marie Antoinette... these people were almost always lined up in the biographical manga corner for elementary school students in Japan. I feel sorry for all these poor women, but they are still better off because their names are still known to Japanese children, and there are many women whose names are not known at all.





When I was in elementary school, it was difficult for me to find role models or envision my future in such a chauvinistic society.

You can see, read , and dream of great men in manga everywhere, but you cannot become a man...With this, girls won't be able to dream of their futures.

Women have always felt ignored by both Christian and Buddhist, (or Islamic ) male societies.

I want to know about women who bravely pursue their dreams despite these obstacles, and I wanted to translate this into Japanese and share it with you. That's why I'm doing this project.

似てないけど…似顔絵の上達目指して、がんばります。Although they don't look alike...I'll do my best to improve my caricature drawings.