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かぶり物が苦手な猫に帽子をかぶってもらえるようにお願いするHow to ask cats to wear cat head gears


うーん…おれ、しってるよ、それにゃ。Hmm... I know that, it's a cap.



全然関係ないけど本日この曲が脳内ループされている…Somehow today,  this song is looping in my brain...

中1の時にこの曲知って大好きで、tarantelleってどんな踊りなんだべと思ってたけど、南イタリアのこんな踊りらしい。ゴッドファーザーみたい。ドビュッシーは、これを見たのか、なるほどふーん。I listened to this song when I was 13 and loved it, and I was wondering what kind of dance "tarantelle" was, but it seems to be such a dance in southern Italy. It looks likethe movie Godfather. Debussy saw this, I see.

日本の各町にタランテラ同好会を作れば、日本の生活習慣病対策と少子化対策になるんじゃないだろうか…If you create a Tarantella club in each town in Japan, it will be a countermeasure against lifestyle-related diseases and a measure against the declining birthrate in Japan ...


"Well, but this pink, fluffy headgear... With a felt flower motif. so cute. But Bunji isn’t good at this kind of thing."

My mother suddenly tried to force Bunji to wear it.

"Eh! hahaha"

"Stop it. Ugh. She makes a fool of me... I'm frustrated."

So I asked him politely.

"Bun-chan, this is a knit cap, “ “I know”

“Like, it's the one you wear on your head like this,"

"Nyah... I understand ... you want me to wear it, don't you?"

to be continued…



フェルトのお花のモチーフ 付き。やたらかわいい系。




