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湯船に浸かるとオキシトシンが出るWhen you soak in the bathtub, cortisol decreases and oxytocin comes out.







疲れた身体を癒す入浴 | ゆげクリニック







What I started this week. " soak in the bathtub."


・Your body warms up to the core and is warm until the afternoon of the next day, and I think my metabolism is surely rising. It's like my whole body is like a hot water bottle.

・You could get better asleep. Until then, I couldn't fall asleep because my feet tips were cold, but that's not the case anymore.

・I will be with a sense of euporia for a while. I thought this was probably some kind of happiness hormone, but it seems so ↓

A sense of happiness that makes you feel relieved when you take a bath. It's because of hormonal changes. It is known that by soaking in hot water, the hormone (cortisol) secreted when stressed decreases, and the happiness hormone (oxytocin) that relieves stress increases.
・If you get hungry at night, take a bath and go to bed quickly when you are surrounded by euphoria.lol


The water bill and gas bill may go up, but I decided that this is definitely a good deal. I think one of the reasons why Japanese people live long is because of this bathing culture.


So, it was an article about the wonderfulness of soaking in the bathtub.