
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

政治と宗教の話をするワタシI talk religion and politics






ワタシが家事漫画を書くときは、ふわっとそれを意図している。When I write a housechore manga, I intend to do it.


ワンオペ育児でメンタル崩壊寸前なのであろう母親↓A mother who may be on the verge of mental collapse due to one-woman childcare

絵には描かなかったが、子は2人いた。I didn't draw in the picture, but she has two children.↑




黙らせ合っているうちに、遠い異国の飛行機が、爆弾載せてやってくるのぜ…While we're silencing each other, planes from a faraway land comes with bombs...



これは米を研ぎたがらない&炊かない野郎らのために書いた. I wrote it for men who don't want to wash and steam rice.



I don't want to get involved in any kind of religion.

Any religion, Buddhism, Shinto, Christianity, Judaism, and Isram have aspects that oppress women. I want to value my own judgment, not that of others.I'm an atheist and I believe in myself.

In Japan, people are taught not to talk about politics and religion. At school, at a bar, anywhere. Most Japanese people have never thought about these things in their lives, seriously.

They are taught not to think, to shut up and follow the rules.

People in the West, who get excited about politics at pubs and cafes, may be staggered about this, but that's what Japan is.

This is probably a remnant of the time when people worked together to cultivate rice, enduring a narrow team village society and a capricious climate, under thorough supervision of the ancient Chinese philosophy of etiquette and learning such as benevolence and courtesy...in isolated islands with no pagans.

That's what I think. When we fight, rice won’t grow, and we will starved.

"Leader, when will we start rice planting? We need to coordinate everyone's schedules..." “Uhm…next monday.”

This old social systems continue to occur here and there. The Johnny's sexual abuse issue is a good example. Always, the victims are women and children who are in a vulnerable position.

In the old, male-dominated society, lonely and isolated women who required to almost all housework and childcare from their husbands, end up with drown into new religion.

By openly talking about boring housework, I am writing this thing in the hope of raising awareness of the dangers of one-woman housework and helping men improve their housework skills.

Sorry, it’s not a cat manga!





ワタシはatheist であり、自分を信じている。








