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グルテンフリー生活その2 gluten free2


かわいかったなぁ、あのキリン。That giraffe was cute.



これだわ。はっさく君だって。This is it. His name is Hassaku.

普段、砂糖を摂取しないと、果物が尊い…If you don't consume sugar, fruits are precious...


江戸時代は、お砂糖は貴重品だったんだっけね…In the Edo period, sugar was a valuable item...



I celebrated modestly on Sunday night when I managed to cut off flour for a week. " I ran through...it was surprisingly hard, tbh. The only staple food every day was rice." You want to eat noodles, so it might be a good idea to prepare rice noodles, vermicelli, pho, etc.

Actually, I also refused sugar at the same time. Surprisingly, this one wasn't hard at all. Because when I wanted to eat something sweet, I was eating fruit. " Kiwi is so sweet..." with a black coffee. whick makes me feel like I’m a cool person.

I remembered the giraffe in Fukuyama Zoo, Hiroshima that chewed the pears deliciously. I saw it on Twitter (X). Long eyelashes… “Hmm, so good...”

So, how was my physical condition for a week? Actually , I was in great condition! My head was refreshed and I didn't have the usual headache or fatigue. Moreover, maybe because I didn't take sugar, I lost a little weight. If you quit for 3 weeks, you will feel more effective. The clear fog of my brain. Good vision in my head.

However, the problem is that Japanese restaurants have no gluten free menus. and somehow I want to eat wheat because I'm  probably already a wheat junkie.

"Hey …we are delicious...he he he" Wheat family floats on my hippocampus and disappears.

So, after eating bread and ramen for the first time in a week, I'm very sick now. This is something. So, I'm currently devising my rice flour recipes such as self-made rice flour bread and soup rice noodles. In addition, it’s good for increasing the consumption of rice in Japan.






もらった梨を旨そうに噛みしめる(確か)福山動物園のアミメキリンをおもいだした。Twitter (X)で見た。長いまつげ?うまいうまい…



