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感想・フィンランド人はなぜ午後4時に仕事が終わるのか (堀内 都喜子著・ポプラ新書) "Why do Finns finish work at 4 p.m.?"


(182)フィンランド人はなぜ午後4時に仕事が終わるのか (ポプラ新書)




感想・フィンランド人はなぜ午後4時に仕事が終わるのか (堀内 都喜子著・ポプラ新書) "Why do Finns finish work at 4 p.m.?"

 I will introduce some excerpts and summaries of the parts that left an impression from the book.

"In Finland, you rarely go out for a drink with your colleagues after work. Farewell parties and welcome parties are within working hours, in conference rooms, and the time is about 30 minutes. Coffee, cake, and sometimes champagne. P. 100

"Some people leave at 3, not just 4 on time. Recently, lunch meetings and Breakfast meetings are very popular. Because at night, private time will inevitably be sacrificed." P. 104 It’s a short time, so they will be straightforward.

As part of the benefits, many companies have "sports and cultural tickets", which cover the cost of employees' hobbies and cultural activities. You will be paid from 15000 yen to 30,000 yen per year, and you can apply it to university public lectures, gym membership fees, and purchase tickets for movies and concerts,etc. P.113

As the shocking words "My father who comes home after 18 o'clock is a father disqualified person who does not take care of his family" tells us,people who have family are required to go home on time as much as possible and cherish the time they spend together."

I want Japan to fulfill these four things for the time being...

「フィンランド人はなぜ午後4時に仕事が終わるのか」堀内 都喜子著・ポプラ新書) より印象に残った部分を一部抜粋・要約してご紹介します。

「フィンランドでは、仕事終わりに同僚と飲みに行くのは、ほとんどない。お別れ会や歓迎会などは勤務時間内に、会議室等で、時間は30分ほど。コーヒーとケーキ、たまにシャンパンなどが出される。P. 100

「定時は16時どころか、15時で帰る人もいる。最近の接待は、ランチミーティングや、ブレッグファーストミーティングが非常に盛ん。夜だと、どうしてもプライベートの時間が犠牲になってしまうから。」P. 104短い時間でも、単刀直入に。


