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酷寒の北海道も室内テントで快適の巻room tent in winter

初めて入ったテントでテンション上がるブンジ(2021.12.29)「えー?なにこれ?すごくにゃい?めっちゃいいじゃん」。かわいい顔してる。このあとしばらく滞在しておった。Bunji got excited at the tent he entered for the first time (2021.12.29) "Eh? What is this? Very good." You had a cute face. He stayed for a while after this.


札幌、雪降りましたねー。11/11。冬が来た。Sapporo, it snowed. November 11. Winter has come.



ホットカーペットは、電気代安いらしい。一畳タイプで、8時間で24円くらいだそう。エアコンガンガンつけるより、安いであろう。It seems that hot carpets are cheap for electricity. It's a one-tatami type, and it's about 24 yen for 8 hours. It would be cheaper than an air conditioner.




「ホッカペテント」は、暑すぎて、北海道の真冬に夜中に、汗だくで起きるくらいである。まぁ、掛け布団とタオルケットとブランケットの計4枚かけていたからであろうが。"Hokapetent" is so hot that I woke up sweaty in the middle of the night in the middle of winter in Hokkaido. Well, it's probably because I had a total of 4 sheets of comforters, towel blankets and blankets.

ホッカペ↓about 4000yen

テントは、横幅が200cmあると、大の字で寝れる。(小さいテントは、腕が横に伸ばせない。)さらに、高さがあれば、起き上がっても、頭が天井に付かず、快適広々空間。よって、ワタシは2-3人用か3-4人用をおすすめする。If the tent is 200 cm wide, you can sleep while stretching out your arms to the side. ( Small tents can't.) In addition, if there is a height, when you get up, your head will not be touched to the ceiling, and it is a comfortable and spacious space. Therefore, I recommend it for 2-3 people or 3-4 people size.

テントでエコアクション⭐︎Eco-action with a tent⭐︎

温かいお茶を入れたペットボトルを身体中に巻きつける不思議野郎なワタシ↓I'm a mysterious person who wraps plastic bottles with warm tea all over my body ↓



It's cold at winter night in Japan ... The air conditioner warms up only upper area. Extremely inefficient. The cold air from the window chills on my cheeks...

So I realized it!! It's an indoor tent life!! Tada!! It was about 3,000 yen online. I put two blankets on top of the tent, and the heat retention is great.

If you lay a electric warm carpet, it will be warm even in the cold winter in Hokkaido! It's too hot with the heat emitted from my body, and it feels like you  have another room, and reading inside of it is somehow good!! Cats are also happy, too!

I feel like an adventurer in the field...

For size, I felt a little narrow for  one prrson size,even I am 155 cm tall, so the one for two people would be better.

If the disaster occurs and you need to live in a shelter in a cold gymnasium, you will be more relieved if you have a tent!!

so, it was a manga I recommended tent.


Thank you. 







