
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

アミメキリンのはっさくを描いてみたGiraffe in Hiroshima


His name is Hassaku. He's eating a pear now. 







I'm heartbroken by the massacre in Gaza by Israel and their associates. I'm scared of Netanyahu's face. I don't know why, but I'm horrified when that person's face is reflected on the screen.


どーのこーのと理由をでっち上げ、民間人大量虐殺に加担する欧米各国の首相や大統領を見ていたら、原爆を落としたトルーマンを思い出した。When I was looking at the prime ministers and presidents of various countries justifying the massacre of civilians while talking blah blah blah, I remembered Harry Truman.

the National Council of Christian Churches, said to Truman, "Many Christians are upset. That's because it's indiscriminate destruction," he sent a telegram, but Truman replied. " When dealing with beasts, you have to treat it as beasts. I'm very sorry, but it's still true."




I don't want to draw Truman nor Netanyahu, so I drew a giraffe.



It is said that the giraffe has 5 ossicones on its head.




"There used to be six zoos in the Gaza Strip. However, the economy was hit by the blockade by Israel and Egypt, and two zoos were forced to close.

The ticket fee is less than 1 dollar. Mr. Sultan says that it is because visitors can't afford more than that.

9-year-old Fuad Saleha said, "I'm here to have fun, but there's always the same animal. I wish I could see elephants, giraffes, or tigers."