
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

道民はベランダに衣装ケース置いて冷蔵庫にしてるの巻Storage drawer fridge on veranda




In recent year-end Sapporo, cold days are -9°C/-5°C, and warm days are about -3℃/5°C.

So I put the costume case on the balcony and use it as a refrigerator.

I puts bran pickles, natto, miso, sake, ketchup, soy yogurt, etc. When I put it in and out, I use a basket to carry.

"Don't they freeze?" I've been asked, but it doesn't freeze. In the past, when I put outside frozen blueberries, they melted. It is said that the temperature in the freezer is about -20°C.

By the way, the temperature of the refrigerator is about 2°C to 7℃. It's better to be careful when the maximum temperature is above 10°C.

The contents of my freezer are basically blueberries, strawberries,Edamame, and Udon.

"Is there any damage by the crows?" I'm also asked, but I've never got it before.  It's okay if you put something so heavy to crows. Like Sake, Nukadoko pickle bran bed, etc., "Oh...! It's heavy...!"

Once the crow came to the balcony, it was staring at the plants in my room. I didn't even look at the costume case and the garbage compost planter.








ワタシの冷凍庫の中身→ 「カラスの被害はない?」とも聞かれるが、今まで、一度もない。酒やぬか床など、「クッ…!重ッ…!」とカラスが感じそうなくらいの重いものを入れておけば大丈夫である。
