ささいなことなんだけど、まったく気づかず何十年も見過ごしてることって、たくさんあるから、義務教育で教えてほしい。「ティーキャンドルでお湯作れるよ」とか、「マスク、ハンカチで手縫いですぐできるよ。」とか。It's a small thing, but there are a lot of things that I've overlooked for decades without noticing it at all, so I want you to teach me in compulsory education. " You can make hot water with tea candles," or "You can sew a mask by hand with handkerchief." Or something.https://youtu.be/Yd2MKi-Fnj4?si=xpUfTT3ZB3sHyX4c
触れることはできなくなったが、ワタシの大脳新皮質とインターネットの中でいつまでも輝き続けるサンゴブルー。I can't touch it anymore, but my cerebral neocortex and the internet continues to let the coral blueshine, forever ...
At the time of the earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5, tomato cans fell apart from the color box (shelf) I placed in the corridor, scattered on the floor, and they caught me in a hurry.
I made a fuss because I was worried about my cat sleeping in the living room.
↑which wasn't good. I should've been more calm down.
So I installed stoppers with screw hooks and a string. It is very effective.
The bottom row was packed with water bottles. The center of gravity goes down and I think the shelf itself won't fall down. I put something light in the upper row. Like cookies.
I try to put things on the bottom row that I would get shocked if they break, or the things look dangerous if they hit my head.
My only damage at the time of the earthquake was a coral blue coffee cup I bought on Yachimun Street in Okinawa.
[Earthquake countermeasures] To prevent falling, I attached a stopper to the shelf with hooks and yarn.【地震対策】落下防止に、カラーボックスにはてなフックと毛糸でストッパーをつけたの巻