Vancouver, Canada
Otaru, Japan
my video↓
I thought “oh, it’s the same one!?” when I knew the Vancoucer’s steam clock. It’s bad I’ve never been to Gas town, though. Small world.
この蒸気時計は、 バンクーバー・ガスタウンの蒸気時計を作ったレイモンド・サンダース氏の二つ目の製作品です。
This steam clock is the second product of Raymond Sanders, who created the Vancouver Gastown steam clock.
世界で最初の蒸気時計は、ガスタウンの時計職人レイモンド・サンダース氏が、ガスタウンの保存と発展の願いを込めて2年という年月をかけて独力で製作、1977年に完成しました。The world's first steam clock was completed in 1977 by Raymond Sanders, a watchmaker in Gastown, who spent two years on his own with the hope of preserving and developing Gastown.
バンクーバー発祥の地とといわれるガスタウン。Gastown is said to be the birthplace of Vancouver.
The Otaru's steam clock was made in June 1993 at this Intersection, the "birthplace of Otaru", in order to shape the heart of a warm town. より
なお、小樽のは最近ピッチが合っていなくて、この不安定な世界に警笛を鳴らしているかのようである。Recently, the pitch is not right, and it seems to be whistling a warning to a somewhat unstable world.
peace, man.