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Indian Embroidery Factory movies

このインド刺繍リボン、This Indian embroidery ribbon,

どんな人がどんな風に作っているのかなと思って調べてみた。リボン工場を見つけることができなかったが、この動画を見つけることができた。アジア雑貨店でよく見る刺繍を、男性たちが作っているとは全く思っていなかった。大事に使います…I was wondering what kind of people are making it and looked it up. I couldn't find the ribbon factory, but I was able to find these videos. I didn't think at all that men were making the embroidery that I often see in Asian general stores. I'll use it carefully.

Men only? 



でも、大量生産のリボンなら、機械で作ってるか、たぶん。But if it's a mass-produced ribbon, it's probably made with a machine.