
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

アーサー・ビナード「さがしています」に出てきた紫色のワンピースThe purple dress that appeared in Arthur Binard's "I'm looking for it"

この本の中に、鮮やかな紫色のワンピースが出てくる。広島の被爆者たちの遺品の写真集。A bright purple dress appears in this book. A photo album of the relics of the atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima.


23歳の藤沢節子さんは裁縫が特意だった。このワンピースを自分で紫色に染めあげ、ちくちく縫って仕立てたのだ。8月6日の朝、ワンピースを着てへ出かけ、爆心地から750mの他 確にあった会社の建物が、爆風で崩れ落ちた。節子さんは脱出し、傷を負ったが大やけどはなく、親戚の家にやっと避難できた。けれどそのあと、高熱が出では腫れあがり、美しい黒髪が抜けて、鼻血が止まらなくなった。8月18日まで節子さんは懸命に生きようとした。

Setsuko Fujisawa, 23, was good at sewing. She dyed this dress purple herself and sewed it up. On the morning of August 6, she went out wearing a dress, and the company building, which was 750 meters away from the center of the explosion, collapsed in the blast. Setsuko escaped and was injured, but there was no major burn, and she was finally able to evacuate to a relative's house. But after that, the high fever swelled up, the beautiful black hair fell out, and the nosebleeds couldn't stop. Setsuko tried to live hard until August 18.


"Three days later, she met her mother, Kotake (46 years old at the time), who came to look for her at her uncle's house. Perhaps due to the radiation, Setsuko's lips were so swollen that no one didn't touch her body. The symptoms of hair loss, nosebleeds, blood vomiting, and lower bleeding worsened, and on August 18, while being watched over by her relatives, Setsuko passed away while saying "goodbye" to each person."




Yellow T-shirts 9:10〜

Paper Lanterns: A Film By Barry Frechette – UNODA

ワタシは最近、毎日服を作るのが楽しくて仕方がない。もっともっと作りたい。刺繍したり(染めることにも興味がある、濃い紫色は私も好きな色だ)それを着て出かけるのが楽しみなのはよくよくわかるから、シンパシーを感じるし、世界中の人にそれを知って欲しいと思って、シェアします。Recently, I can't help but enjoy making clothes every day. I want to make more and more. I understand very well that I'm looking forward to wearing embroidery (I'm also interested in dyeing, dark purple is my favorite color) and going out wearing it, so I feel sympathize, and I want people around the world to know about it, so I'm sharing it.

I embroidered it today. 

Proud Ally!
