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俳優キー・ホイ・クアンKe Huy Quan

Ke Huy Quan(キーホイクアン)って、グーニーズのあの子かぁ。

Oh, Ke Huy Quan is that boy from the Goonies. I didn't know that.


I remember that I was quite happy just because an Asian kid was in the movie.

I think there are a lot of the same people like her. ↓

グーニーズ (字幕版)

關繼威 (中国語読みGuān Jìwēi、日本語表記・関繼威)

関さんだったんですね…一気に親近感。日本語読みしたら、たぶん「カン・シエイ」さんかな。It was Mr. Seki... (Japanese also have the name 関 as Seki) a sense of affinity at once.

If you read his name in Japanese way, it might be "Kang Shiei".

サイゴン(現:ホーチミン)で中国系の一家に生まれた。1975年のサイゴン陥落に伴って一家でベトナムを離れ、香港を経てアメリカ合衆国へと移住した。その経緯からベトナム語、広東語、北京語、英語等を話す。He was born into a Chinese family in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City). With the fall of Saigon in 1975, the family left Vietnam and immigrated to the United States through Hong Kong. From that background, He speaks Vietnamese, Cantonese, Mandarin, English, etc.


Won the Supporting Actor Award at the 95th Academy Awards. The award of an Asian actor in the category was the first time in 38 years since Haing S. Ngor, who won the award in "Killing Field" in 1984.

Haing S. Ngor



I cried a bit. ↓

「ワタシのキャリアはボート(ピープル)から始まった。ベトナム戦争の時サイゴンから逃げて、難民キャンプで一年過ごした。これがアメリカンドリームだ。」"I ran away from Saigon with my family and spent a year  in a refugee camp. This is the American dream."

the 80s ...