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外国人が昆虫を普通に食べてるのを見た時の衝撃についてAbout the shock when I saw foreigners eating insects normally



外国人が昆虫を普通に食べてるのを見た時の衝撃についてAbout the shock when I saw foreigners eating insects normally










ミャンマー料理店の昆虫料理。こちらは有名店らしい。巨大コオロギの素揚げの画像があります↓Myammar restaurant in Tokyo. Big crickets. This seems to be a famous store. ↓

【東京別視点ガイド ぐるなび支店】中指大のコオロギが食べられる高田馬場のミャンマー料理店 - ぐるなび みんなのごはん



About the insect food culture in Nagano 

なぜ信州で昆虫食は盛ん? 子どもから大人まで親しまれる理由 | NHK



I'm buzzing internally about the battle over the culture of eating insects of humans on earth.


煮干しを食べなかったアメリカの猫↓An American cat that didn't eat dried sardines


Common Japanese people don't eat insects because mostly we think it’s creepy. But in the mountainous area of Nagano Prefecture, people eat bee babies and locusts, but my friend in Nagano looked a little embarrassed when I asked about it when I was in college.

A few years ago, when I was watching TV, Myanmar people in Japan in Nagoya gathered at a Myanmar-style pagoda at some festival and were at a banquet. There was a big plate of stir-fried insects on the table. ( Probably big crickets )

I was staring at the screen while forgetting to breathe with the feeling that I saw something UNBELIEVABLE. 


Then, the Myanmar man was picking up a big cricket with chopsticks and put it on the rice of the next person's bowl, as if it was nothing. I was so impressed. The person sitting next to him was like, "Oh, thank you." He was nodding to the guy a little happily.It was like he got a fried shrimp. 

That was the feeling that I know some new world, and it left a great impression on me.

There are many Westerners who don't understand the subtle cultural differences of Asians, like "Do Japanese people eat dogs and crickets?" . So, I wrote about it. ( Japanese people don't eat dogs. Eat pigs though. I’m vegetarian, so I won’t eat any meat though. )

(As a Japanese, I can't explain and distinguish the difference between for example Filipinos, Vietnamese, Thais , Laos and Cambodians, and I probably misunderstand a lot, so I can understand the feelings of Westerners.)
