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ポリタスTV 大吉原展についてを見た Feminists talking about the horrific red light district’s exhibition


↑She’s talking about this culture ↓



ワタシの個人的な推測では、この大吉原展というのは、市川猿之助とかの事件で危うくなった歌舞伎界を援護したいテレ朝と、自民の議員(議員の息子がテレ朝の社員とか)が金と圧力で芸大に作らせてる展覧会なのでは?と思います。(個人的な推測)Isn't the exhibition are made by TV ASAHI and LDP lawmakers who want to support the Kabuki industry, which is in danger due to the incident of Ichikawa Ennosuke, let the art university make it with money and pressure? ( it's my personal guess.) 




Many (mainly female) artists horrified by the incredibly frivolous, shallow, male -perspective- press release of the Art exhibition "The Great Yoshiwara Exhibition (dai yoshiwara ten)" by the National Tokyo Art University ( the top art university in Japan) brought by TV ASAHI and Tokyo Newspapers. 


A, mazing... (ly shallow)





I feel like it's the structure of the battle between the old men of the Liberal Democratic Party in the slice fund party zone and the women who are weak due to lack of funds. Just like that, it's the same as the structure of the Yoshiwara, red-light district.

you can watch this video for free from next week.


画像は全てhttps://youtu.be/UU-IL78wSh4?si=teqAXiUmnLJTuj3Y より

#大吉原展 にXで問題提起をした瀧波ユカリさん@takinamiyukari に @kazukof12 が伺います。

‪49:00 遊女が追わされる借金(衣装代、髪結代など)性病で入院すると入院費も薬代も自分で払わないといけない。‬All prostitutes in a debt (costume fee, hairdressing fee, cosmetic fee etc.) and if hospitalized due to a venereal disease, you have to pay the hospitalization fee and medicine by yourself.

57:00 借金を返すため必死の遊女は、爪を剥いで客にあげたり、墓場から指を切って持ってきたり、切羽詰まってA courtesan who is desperate to pay off the debt, peels off her nails and gives them to customers, cuts a piece of pinky finger (yubikiri -genman) from the graveyard and brings them to her customer pretending it's hers, desperate.

1:00:00 寝れない、質素な食事で栄養が足りない can't sleep, I don't have enough time to sleep in, nutrition with a simple meal.

「梅毒になってこそ一人前」と威張られる(妊娠しづらくなるから)You will be scorned by bossy boss saying, "You have to become a syphilis for yourself" (because it will be difficult to get pregnant)

1:07:50 映画「骨までしゃぶる」(1966) 「洗浄室」とか出てきたThe movie "Suck to the Bone" (1966) "Cleaning Room" came out. You can't clean syphilis germsby such things. 

1:11:00 浄閑寺には、遊女のお墓がある。お墓には2万人入っている。平均年齢21才。In Jokan-ji Temple, Minowa, there is a big grave of prostitutes. There are 20,000 girls in the grave. Their average age is 21 years old.

1:13:00 戦後の吉原の変遷の歴史The history of the transition of Yoshiwara after the war

1:15:15 例えば、海外に行っても、頻繁に目にするのは喜多川歌麿の描いた花魁の絵。日本の空港でも売っている。しかし、私としてはそういう歴史を残すのであれば、それと同じかそれ以上に、花魁の女性への暴力だったりとか、中絶の話、そもそもの貧困の話に、誰よりも強く取り組んでほしい。きらびやかな面だけを取り上げて、クールジャパンみたくするのは、それは新たな搾取ではないかと思う。

1:35:04 10万平方メートルは、そんな広大な敷地じゃない。吉原は、行くとめっちゃ狭いですよ。東京ドーム約2.1個分「行ってみるとびっくりするぐらい一瞬で歩けますよ。」100,000 square meters is not such a vast site. Yoshiwara is very small when you go. About 2.1 Tokyo Domes "If you go there, you will be surprised and you can walk in an instant."

1:42:00 誰によって?が徹底的に抜けている。By whom? Is thoroughly missing.


2:09:50 「アメイヂング江戸!とか、ほんとやめて!」同感‼︎"Ameiding Edo! " " i really, really want you to stop it!" I agree!!︎



For example, even if you go abroad, what you often see is a picture of an oiran,a high-class prostitute drawn by Utamaro Kitagawa. The pictures are  also sold at airports in Japan. However, if you pick up such a history, I want you to work harder than anyone else on violence against women, abortion, and poverty in the first place. I think it's a new exploitation to take away only the glittering side and make it look like “Cool Japan.” Kazuko Fukuda



喜多川歌麿の花魁の絵 Utamaro

「浄閑寺」Jokanji temple 浄閑means "purify, holiday"



The 1966 Oiran facts movie 
