
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

レジの行列対策「商品を裏返してカゴに入れる」と、レジの待ち時間が短縮されるI turn the product over and make it easy for clerks to see the barcode







Convenience store. Supermarket. A long line at the cash register. I don't like it. That's where I realized. " If you turn the product over and put it in the basket and make it easy for the clerk to see the barcode, the clerk's cash register time will be shortened, and as a result, the time to line up at the cash register will be shortened."

After doing this, the clerk's cashier time clearly reduced. Tada!  In addition, it seems that the clerk remembered me, and they became kind. ( in my mind.)

When you were in line, it might be good to do it if you could do it.