あのインコたちは、一生涯で、お日様に当たることがあるのだろうか。鳥は日光浴が好きだ。あなたも長期間、お天道様の光に当たることができなかったら、いやだろ?🇯🇵(←The sun)
Will those parakeets ever be exposed to the sun in their lifetime? Birds like to sunbathe. I think it's a pity if you can't get in the sun for a long time.
"I just can't see the sky because of the roof.
I don't want to say something like this, though." (Blue sky - Qururi)
(I just loved this band when I was 16)
Every time I pass through here, there is me who sways between justices and pretending fool like the left and right.
でも人間のどうでもいい気晴らしか、暇つぶしの為に、太陽に当たれないインコちゃんは、かわいそうだと思う。But I feel sorry for parakeets who can't be under the sun for humans to kill time or to distractions that don't matter at all.