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不眠解消?寝具を星柄にすると眠くなるEliminate insomnia? If you make the bedding a star pattern, you will get sleepy.





I want a pillowcase with starry night sky pattern. I don't have insomnia, but I like waking up at night, so I'm thinking about how to sleep quickly when I want to go to bed quickly.

My simple brain becomes sleepy due to the starry sky of the pillowcase that enters my vision when I turn over. lol "Oh, it's night. Let's sleep," my simple brain think. This was proved by my self-made pillowcase by connecting the tenugui hand towels of the 100-yen shop, but the star-patterned sheet set is not readily available on the market. It is not a animated star pattern, but a realistic star pattern in the night sky.

I found only one on Amazon, but Iわprefer more variations.  Bedding shop, please make it.