
ほぼ日更新の絵日記&漫画&雑記ブログ、ネコヤマンガです。Mostly, I post everyday!

LEDランプにも癒し効果があることに気付いたI noticed that LED lamps also have a healing effect.

フィンランドなどの北欧諸国では、日照量不足から、冬季鬱を発症する人が多いらしい。その治療に使われるのが、このようなライトなのだそうだ。In Nordic countries such as Finland, it seems that many people develop winter depression due to lack of sunshine. It is said that this kind of light is used for that treatment.


I like to look at the light of candles, and if it's a tea candle, the amount of light is somehow insufficient.By the way, I have this ↓インド製だそうです


I want to look at the bonfire every day, but it's difficult if you lived in an apartment.

There, I casually bought this ↓ and put it on,



It's a big amount of light, and if it is just glowing in front of you, it has a similar effect that heals you somehow.

It's safer, easier. It may vary from person to person, but for the time being, it works for my dull brain.

