はだしのゲン 英語版。第1巻だけでいいから、もはやアメリカの全然小学校に配ってほしい。子供がかなり読むと思う。The English version of the Barefoot Gen. Just the first volume is enough. I want it to be distributed to all the elementary schools in the United States. I think a lot of children will read.
I'm not interested in Takarazuka at all, but I wrote this because I felt the need for consumers to be aware of the stunning violent reality of the Japanese entertainment industry.
聞けばほとんど戦時中の軍隊のようではないか。このような、新人や年下を虐待して楽しむ暴力集団の作る舞台や映像作品に、どんな夢や希望を持てというのか。はなはだ疑問に思う。このような暴力文化には、我は断固反対である。It's quite similar to the Japanese army during the war. What kind of future awaits the theatre and video works made by such violent groups that enjoy abusing newcomers and younger people? Isn't it a "violent and ridiculous future" as it is? I am firmly opposed to such violent culture.
- 笑顔はダメ。笑ってはいけない
- 1年目の予科生はベッドに入った時以外、「お疲れさま」「おはようございます」「すみませんでした」「ありがとうございます」「はい」「いいえ」の六つしか話してはいけない
- 気をつけの姿勢を崩してはいけない(今は変わったらしい)
- スプレーで固めて三つ編みかリーゼントのまま寝る
- 髪の毛も、後れ毛一本出てもダメ
- 寝かせてもらえない
- お風呂入らせてくれない
- 洗濯もダメ、制服のブラウスの襟のところが黒ずんだり
- 先輩の雑用を夜通し寝ずにやる
- 綺麗な字で背表紙をかかないと、「失敗」になる
- 2003年頃は、全部の車両に、阪急電車におじぎしなければならなかった。しなければ、夜通し執拗に謝り続ける
- バンバン扉をなぐったり蹴ったりして、三、四人が小部屋に連れて行かれて「今日の失敗を言ってください」と本科性に言われる
- 「名札が曲がってた」「笑い顔をした」「あいさつ無視」「身振り手振りをしてしまった」それを同期全員が言わないといけない、そんなことは最初から無理
- 廊下に立て膝で、朝まで毎日謝りつづけ、そのまま寝ずに学校に行く
- タカラジェンヌも美談、苦労話として普通に語られる
- 怒鳴っている時に、無抵抗な相手が泣いて謝ってるのを見て万能感、高揚感があった
- 食事も常時取れない。電子レンジも使えない
- 生理がよく止まった
- 夏休み以外はずーっと寮の「お話し合いの部屋」にいた
「まじでいい加減にしろよ」「お前、ぶっとばすぞ」宝塚宙組“集団リンチ”グループLINE“驚愕の内容”「彼女を追いつめた魔物の正体は…」《週刊文春全文公開》(文春オンライン) - Yahoo!ニュース
The reality of school abuse at Takarazuka Music School by Higashi Koyuki
- Don't smile.
- The preparatory students in the first year can only speak six words, "Thank you for your hard work," "Good morning," "I'm sorry," "Thank you very much," "Yes," and "No" except when they went to bed.
- Don't lose your careful posture.
- Harden hair with a spray and sleep as it is with braids.
- no good even if one hair comes out.
- Can't sleep
- can't take a bath.
- You can't do laundry, the neck part of the blouse uniform was dirty.
- do senior's chores all night
- If you don't write with beautiful characters, it will be a "failure"
- Around 2003, you had to bow all the vehicles to the Hankyu train. If you couldn't, keep apologizing "sumimasen deshita" all night
- Seniors kicked and banged the door, and younger girls taken to a small room with three or four people, and were told, "Tell us today's failure."
- "The name tag was bent," "I made a smiling face," "I ignored the greeting," "I gestured," all my colleagues have to say the same things, but it's impossible from the beginning.
- Stand on your knees in the hallway, keep apologizing all night until morning, and go straight to school without any sleeping.
- Takarazuka actresses said those stuff normally as beautiful hardship stories.
- "When I was yelling, I felt a sense of versatility and exhilaration when I saw the irresisting opponent crying and apologizing." by KoyukiHigashi
- I couldn't eat. you can't even use the microwave.just ate some thin bread or cold pouched porridge.
- Girls' period often stopped.
- We were always in the "conversation room" in the dormitory except for summer vacation.
- The costumes are often torn and the props are hidden.
- The senior students, "I'll teach you how to make up," and screwed white powder in younger girl's eyes.
Many children go to the hospital due to stress hearing loss and adjustment disorders.
...speechless. I hate these kinds of conservative, old fashioned, violent, and obedient people.