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日本人は人に対して手を合わせて深々とお辞儀しないJapanese people don't bow deeply with their hands together.

Asian Cultural Differences Learning 


1. Japanese people don't bow deeply with their hands together.




To the people of Hollywood film productions. In Asian countries, the way of bowing and praying are very different, so as an Asian, I would like you to listen to each country and express the correct cultural gesture in Hollywood movies.



you will be amazed from the bottom of your heart. if some shallow-looking person said, "The British, Dutch, and Germans are all the same, aren't they white people eating bread, ham and cheese?" 


ハリウッドで、アジア人差別の暴力的な映画を作られると、それがまたアジア人差別につながり、世界中のアジア人に迷惑だから、私は一般人の日本人女性として、ハリウッドのスタッフたちには、アジアの歴史や文化の先生を置いて、ロサンゼルスで勉強会をして、きちんとした映画を作ってほしいと願っています。When youmake a violent movie about Asian discrimination in Hollywood, it will lead to Asian discrimination and is annoying to Asian people all over the world, so as an ordinary Japanese woman, I hope that Hollywood staff will have teachers of Asian history and culture and have a study group, then make movies with proper understanding of Asian cultures. 



1:22 (1分22秒頃)


There are many Westerners who do this, but for the Japanese, it's very rude to do this to someone. For many Japanese, this action is for the kami, god of the shrine usually once a year on New Year's Day, it is not for humans on a daily basis.



For example, Koreans would do this, ↓but it's very surprising to the Japanese.


Mostly, the Japanese would do this.↓Just lean your head slightly forward. Usually we do this  for praying for god or  mourning dead person. (ほとんどの場合、日本人はこうします。↓頭を少し前に傾けるだけです。通常、私たちは神のために祈ったり、死んだ人を悼んだりするためにこれをします。)



このように位の高い者の前で地べたにひれ伏すのは、1860年代までならわかりませんが、現代の日本人にとっては、非常に前近代的な印象を受けてしまいます。↓I don't know until the 1860s, but for modern Japanese people, it gives a very pre-modern impression to bow down on the ground in front of a high-ranking person↓

こんな感じで、淡々とアジア、各国の習慣や文化、歴史を説明するポータルサイトを、誰のどんな質問にも平和的に答えられる親しみやすい人が運営する必要があるように思います。In this way, I think it is necessary to run a portal site for non-Asian people that explains the customs, culture and history of Asia and each country indifferently by a friendly person who can peacefully answer any of anyone's questions.まあ今のとこ、ワタシがやるしかなさそうだな…