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猫がいない28のメリットMerit of not having a cat




  1. 深夜や早朝に騒いで起こされたりしない
  2. トイレ掃除がない
  3. 餌やりがない
  4. 餌皿の皿洗いがない
  5. 床の吐瀉物を片付けることがない
  6. 砂や餌を買わなくていい
  7. お金がかからない
  8. 食事をゆっくり食べられる。(ちくわや鰹節、刺身などを)
  9. 旅行に行きやすい
  10. 帰りが遅くなっても大丈夫
  11. ルームスプレーやアロマテラピーができる
  12. 花を安心して飾れる(毒のある花がある)
  13. 雑貨などを自由に飾れる(壊されたり、誤飲の心配がない)
  14. 猫の通院がない
  15. 猫に尻をポンポンしろと言われない
  16. 気軽に外出できる
  17. 窓や戸を開けられる。猫が脱走しない
  18. 納戸や押し入れを開け放しても猫が入らない
  19. 猫の鳴き声による騒音で近所迷惑の心配がない
  20. 災害発生時の心配がひとつ減る
  21. ソファや鞄におそそうされることもない
  22. 壁紙をつめとぎされる心配がない
  23. 服に毛が付かない
  24. 掃除がラク(猫の毛やフケが落ちない)
  25. 好きなハンドクリーム塗れる(猫が手を舐めない)
  26. 部屋が猫の匂いがしない
  27. 猫が死んだ時のペットロスがない
  28. 食卓にラップをしないで猫の好物を置いておける(魚とか)



Merit of not having a cat

  1. Don't be woken up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.
  2. There is no toilet cleaning.
  3. There is no feeding.
  4. There is no dishwashing of the feeding dish.
  5. I don't clean up the vomit on the floor.
  6. You don't have to buy cat sand or food.
  7. It doesn't cost money.
  8. You can eat your meal relaxedly. ( Chikuwa, bonito flakes, sashimi, etc.)
  9. It's easy to go on a trip
  10. You can comeback home late.
  11. You can do room spray and aromatherapy.
  12. You can decorate flowers with peace of mind (there are poisonous flowers like lilies)
  13. You can decorate miscellaneous goods freely (you don't have to worry about being broken or accidentally ingestion)
  14. There is no cat going to the hospital.
  15. The cat doesn't tell me to pat their butt. 
  16. There are no cats that are lonely, so you can feel free to go out.
  17. You can open windows and doors. The cat won't escape.
  18. Even if you open the storage door or closet, the cat won't get in.
  19. You don't have to worry about nuisance to the neighborhood due to the noise caused by the cat's meow.
  20. One less worry in the event of a disaster
  21. Cats won't pee on the sofa or your bag.
  22. You don't have to worry about being ripped off the wallpaper.
  23. There is no cat hair on your clothes.
  24. Easy to clean (cat hair and cat dandruff do not fall off)
  25. You can apply your favorite hand cream (cats don't lick your hands)
  26. The room doesn't smell like cats.
  27. No pet loss 
  28. You can leave your cat's favorite food without wrapping it on the table (such as fish)



It may increase from now on. I want to have a cat. (idk)

