I believe what he's saying is right to the former little boys whose sexually abused by such society.
If you like Tatsuro Yamashita's music, I believe you'd better to rethink your choice.
tasuro made this song and has a gigantic power to Johnny's entertainment.
私は松尾潔さんという方を全く存じ上げなかったのですが、今回の旧ジャニーズ事務所に対する山下達郎さんの唖然とする言動に対して、周囲の日和見的な音楽関係者からほとんど声が上がらないことに対するもはや日本という国への疑問と危機を感じていたのですが、この動画を見て山下達郎さんに対する批判的な意見やお話を聞けて非常に救われる思いがします。また記者の尾形さんも全くその通りなことをいくつかおっしゃっていますのでぜひご覧になってみてください。I didn't know Kiyoshi Matsuo at all, but when I was looking at the words and actions of Tatsuroko Yamashita this time, I even feel the doubt and crisis of this country called Japan for the fact that there is almost no voice from the opportunistic music industrial people around them. However, I feel very saved by listening to critical opinions and stories about Tatsuro Yamashita after watching this video. Also, what a news reporter Mr. Ogata says is also saying some things that are quite true, so please take a look.
時代錯誤(じだいさくご、英: anachronism アナクロニズム)