
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

コーヒーの実を食べたらお腹痛くなった話I got a stomachache after eating coffee cherries



I wish I could stop it, but I just ate it.

10 coffee cherries (skins). Ugh.


The ripe coffee fruit (red skin) is sweeter than the one I ate before, and it is not greatly tasty, it tastes like a thin skin of mandarin orange? I'd say. 



I thought I was going to make something called "Kascara Syrup" (see the previous article), so I tried it raw, and after an hour, my stomach started to hurt, and I took 2 tablets of Pabron.(painkiller)


ヤツは危険です。果たして、焙煎したとて、煎じたブツ(コーヒー)は安全なのか。なにせ情報が少ない。ちなみに、無農薬。They're dangerous. Is the roasted one (coffee) safe? After all, there is little information. By the way,that one was pesticide-free.


Everyone should buy a coffee tree.

観葉植物 コーヒーの木



札幌のこの苗屋さんが最高なのです。If you are in Sapporo, this flower shop is the best. 

花のとびつか tobitsuka 

Google マップ


I bought my lemon tree and coffee tree, passion fruit tree, blueberrie tree, Japanese pepper seedlings, (all food) all here. It's totally cheaper than buying online. There are mandarin orange trees, persimmon trees, peach trees, and apple trees, and it is the beginning of the flower life you long for. It's also open in winter.


というわけで、コーヒーの実は気をつけてください♪So, please be careful of the coffee fruit♪