
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!




It is a book that makes humans think, which is shaken by gender issues these days.






You can read it from here. pdf. It starts from p.56 ↓



現代の中東各国の女性に対する法律の厳しさは、フロイスの書いた1500年代当時のヨーロッパと共通するように思う。魔女裁判とか。欧米の女性からこれについて強い反発があるのは理解できる。The severity of the law against women in modern Middle Eastern countries is common to Europe in the 1500s written by Frois. Like, witch trials . I can understand that there is a strong backlash against this from Western women.

石打ちの刑とか、女性に対してトンデモナイ法律がたくさんある。There are a lot of horrific laws against women, such as stoning.↓



また、イギリスBBCのジャーナリズムによるジャニーズ性加害問題などで揺れる日本も、根底にこの文化背景があることを考慮に入れるべきであろう。リンクは、江戸時代の男色文化について。In addition, Japan, which is shaken by the Johnny's sexual abuse problem, the turbulence caused by the British BBC's journalism, should also take into account that there is this cultural background at the root. (about 衆道 shudo, or 男色 danshoku culture) 

caution*A little bit embarrassing picture in the first page. but this articleis very good. I believe it's worth to be translated.





Portuguese missionary Luis Frois came to Japan in 1562, lived in Japan for 35 years, and ended his life in Nagasaki. The book he wrote in 1585 specifically left a description of the Japanese before the national isolation, and it was very interesting, so I will introduce it a little here.

"In Europe, the highest honor and preciousness of unmarried women is chastity, and not violated purity. Japanese women do not value the purity of virginity at all. Even if you lack it, you don't lose your honor, you can get married."(Quoted from P.39, Chapter 2, No. 1)

You may think it's obvious, but the world is still not like that...


( and it causes discord. that's why I write this stuff taking risks.)

"In Europe, it is extremely important to keep your daughters and virgins locked up, and it is done strictly. In Japan, daughters don't even say nothing to their parents, and go out to their favorite place by themselves, whether it's a day or days." From P.50, Chapter 2, No. 36

Japan’s Azuchi-Momoyama era was quite modern…jk.

"European teachers teach children doctrines, noble and correct manners. The monk teaches them to play guitars, flower arrangement, play games, shoot swords, etc., and also do abominable acts with them." P.65

...And so on, and other suggestive descriptions are lined up. It's a thin book, so I recommend you to read it.

“Adults are desperate Columbus that can't see.” -Aska (from a song Paradise Ginga by Hikaru Genji)










