
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

Will Ferrell: 'If the Trans Community Is a Threat to You, Then It Stems From Not Being Confident or Safe With Yourself'


I thought I was going to translate yesterday's article into English, and I thought I was about to translate it, but I stopped because I was mentally exhausted.


Will Ferrell: 'If the Trans Community Is a Threat to You, Then It Stems From Not Being Confident or Safe With Yourself'


素晴らしい。自分に自信がある人って、人に対して優しいとワタシは思う。逆パターンも然り。自分に自信がない人は、人に対して優しくないと感じる。Wonderful. I think people who are confident in themselves are kind to others. The opposite pattern is the same. People who are not confident in themselves feel that they are not kind to others.


ウィル・フェレルはBlades of Glory(邦題・「俺たちフィギュアスケーター」)のメイキングで話してる様子を拝見し「芸風に似合わずしっかりしたいい人なんだなぁ」と思ったが、やはり一流の人はおっしゃっている内容が一流である。I saw Will Ferrell talking in the making of Blades of Glory (Japanese title, "We, brothers are figure skaters") and thought, "He's a good person although he doesn't suit his comedic style," but after all, the first-class people are talking about first-class.
