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英語で「アンクル・トム」のスラングの意味とはUncle Tom


↑a pic from https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/comments/gbawqq/in_quentin_tarantinos_2012_film_django_unchained/ 





 映画「Django -Unchained」の中で、ワタシにとって最も印象的だったシーン。↓「農園主の姉(妻だと勘違いしてたけど)も、アンクル・トムもアウト」The scene that impressed me the most. ↓ "The farmer's wife and Uncle Tom are both out"




In the interview video, it was also impressive that the three people approached very closely and sat down. Americans have seen the reality of tense American society that people with various roots and cultural backgrounds. You will be socially expelled if you don't do "wise" in meticulously intertwining human true feelings and political pretense.

...And I can't spit out such a bitter poison if I'm in America. I hang out with Japanese people in Japan (well, I haven't hung out with anyone recently) I can say because I'm Japanese, but if I were in America, I could never say such a thing. I guess I'll become Uncle Tom at some point. Like Kamala Harris.

Summer is over. 

The term "Uncle Tom" is used as an epithet for an excessively subservient person, particularly when that person perceives his or her own lower-class status based on race. It is similarly used to negatively describe people who betray their own group by participating in its oppression, whether willingly or not.[1][13]The term has also, with more intended neutrality, been applied in psychology in the form of "Uncle Tom syndrome", a term for the use of subservience, appeasement, and passivity to cope with intimidation and threats.

The popular negative connotations of "Uncle Tom" have largely been attributed to the numerous derivative works inspired by Uncle Tom's Cabin in the decade after its release, rather than to the original novel itself, whose title character is a more positive figure.[4] These works, often called a "Tom show," lampooned and distorted the portrayal of Uncle Tom with politically loaded overtones.[6]
