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「早川雪洲―武者修行世界を行く」Autobiography of Sessue Hayakawa

おもしろすぎた。↓Too interesting. 


絶版で、古本も数が少なく高価で、図書館で借りるしかない。1959年、 雪洲が73歳の時に書かれたもの。ちょっと読んでいただくとおわかりのように…↓






Details of the case of Hayakawa's attempted assassination by Hollywood must be read.

In1923, in the midst of Hollywood's Japanese exclusion movement, the incident in which Sessue was almost killed by the president of a film company under the guise of an accident during filming. (The president attempted to kill the actor by collapsing the big set.) The story depicted in detail by Hayakawa. I wonder if that part has been translated into English somewhere. I'm sure it's a painful part of American society, so it doesn't seem to be translated. I need to translate it into English.



その暗殺未遂事件の後、まもなくパリに渡り、ひょんなことからフランス海軍大臣と知り合い、大臣の協力を得て本物のフランスの軍艦を使って (すごすぎ)撮影しフランスでロングラン大ヒットとなった作品↓After the assassination attempt, he soon moved to Paris, met the French Minister of the Navy by chance, and with the cooperation of the minister (amazing) to shoot a work that became a big hit in France ↓


101years later from the incident ↓