A few days ago, I watched this documentary with Japanese subtitles on NHK, the national TV. What makes me amazed is why can the US have such a problematic person (Trmp) run for president again?
「弁護士シェイナーの正義 米議会襲撃 “暴徒”の声に耳を傾ける」
2021年1月に米連邦議会議事堂に乱入して罪に問われたトランプ支持者の裁判で、弁護を引き受けたヘザー・シェイナー。彼女と被告たちとの対話から、その実像を見つめる シェイナーは、弁護士を雇う費用がない人のための公選弁護人を40年以上務めてきた。議事堂への襲撃に関しては「共感力が限界に達したと感じた」と語るが、選挙が盗まれたと信じて息子の将来のために行動した母親や、SNSで人気者になりたかった若者のよき理解者となり、彼らの弁護に力を注ぐ。リベラル派弁護士が感じた暴動参加者たちが抱える問題の本質とは。 原題:PUBLIC DEFENDER(アメリカ 2024年)
Heather Shaner
Film Participant, Public Defender; Criminal Defense Attorney
Heather Shaner is well-known within the Washington, DC legal community as the septuagenarian who sports blue bangs, eschews suits, hugs prosecutors, and babysits for her clients. But being asked to defend Americans who engaged in acts of insurrection forced her to reckon with her own anger and hurt over what had happened in her hometown on January 6, 2021. Heather is passionate about prompting her clients’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of history, not just to influence a judge’s verdict but to open their hearts and minds long after their trials and sentences.
エンディングの曲がよかった The ending song was good.
I love this song, too↓