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ヒロシマ消えたかぞくThe family that disappeared in Hiroshima

On August 6, 1945, the six members of Rokuro Suzuki's family, who ran a beauty salon in the center of Hiroshima, perished. Dogs and cats were also killed. Rokuro's older brother kept the album. The Hiroshima atomic bomb killed 140,000 of the 350,000 citizens at the time. Countless people continued to suffer for decades due to radiation, with many suffering from cancer and leukemia, and many being refused marriages due to concerns about the health of their unborn children, etc. 


ヒロシマ 消えたかぞく (ポプラ社の絵本 67)

「ヒロシマ 消えたかぞく」のあしあと (ポプラ社ノンフィクション 41)


It's all about a turf war in the idea of "Western world" and "Oriental world"