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Hashi Yasuomi Hashimura, in NY の写真家・橋村奉臣さん 路上で突き飛ばされ脳挫傷で死亡



犯人の顔を知らせていただきたいですね。コロナ禍の時、トランプが「china、china」言ったせいで、たくさんのアジア人がヘイトクライムでころされました。またその悪夢が始まるのではないかと私は予想しています。暴力に走る人間たちに対する心のケアと教育を私は望みます。↑I would like the media to inform the face of the criminal. During the covid pandemic, many Asians were killed in hate crimes because Trump said "china, china". I expect that the nightmare will start again. I want education and mental health care for people who run into violence. I want you to know her, heather shaner.




According to police, Hashimura was returning home from shopping on October 22nd when a man knocked his cane away and pushed him, causing him to fall and sustain a severe head injury. He was rushed to the hospital but remained unconscious for about three weeks. He passed away at the hospital on November 11th at the age of 79.

Police arrested a 32-year-old white male the day after the incident for pushing Hashimura.


HASHIGRAPHY Rome: Future Deja Vu ローマ 未来の原風景