
気まぐれ更新の雑記ブログ(かつては漫画ブログ)、ネコヤマンガです。I post time to time!

はじめて食べたドリアンの味The taste of durian I ate for the first time



Food report of durian flavor

・It's like a sweet potage mixed with potatoes, bananas, and papaya, with a unique aroma like a mixture of mango and urine of cats and dogs.

これがワタシなりに精一杯の表現である。機会があれば次の機会はぜひ、液体化していないドリアンを試してみたい。This is my best expression in my own way. If I have the opportunity, I would like to try the non-liquidized drian next time.




Do you remember the first time you ate Goya,bitter gourd? or coriander, or sweet potato shochu, beer, and black coffee? " Wow. What is this, I can't believe you eat (or drink) something like this..." Wouldn't you think? I thought about all of them. Now all of them are my favorite food. ( Except for black coffee.)

I think Drian is like that.





14年の努力が実を結ぶ!県内初ドリアン実をつける – QAB NEWS Headline